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I am currently based in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, Canada, and my love for wine began in 2001 while touring a printing press at a supplier's factory in the city. After finishing the tour of the factory, he proceeded to show me some of the jobs that they had printed - and one colourful magazine caught my eye. It was the VINTAGES Magazine published by the LCBO. I took a couple of recent copies and read through them, page by page, wine by wine and proceeded to make a "wish list" of wines that I would like to try.

Over time, my passion for wine grew. Now, I am highly regarded by friends and colleagues as a resource for when they need a wine for that special occasion - anniversary, birthday, wedding, gatherings at home, or when they want to impress their special friend or the In-Laws.

This blog is dedicated to helping you find high quality wines at relatively affordable prices.

Enjoy and Cheers!


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